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About MySocialSecurity.be

MySocialSecurity.be is the personalised part of the social security portal.

It is the result of a partnership between various government services. The aim is to give Belgian citizens a central point where they can find all their personal documents and personalised information. Here, citizens also have secure access to online services provided by partner organisations.

My e-Box

My e-Box is a personal, centralised, secure digital mailbox that contains all the documents sent to you by partner organisations.

This online service collects your communications with the government in one place and reduces the number of paper documents.

Click here to look in your eBox

Online Services

MySocialSecurity.be enables you to access the online services of partner organisations. You can use these services and consult your personal information.

Partner institutions

National Employment Office (in French)

National Employment Office (in French)

The National Employment Office is a public social security institution. It is responsible for the implementation of regulations with regard to employment insurance and related benefits, sabbaticals and time credit.

The National Employment Office also implements certain employment measures.

Sector Annual Vacation

Sector Annual Vacation

The sector Annual Vacation comprises the National Office for Annual Vacation and 11 sectoral vacation funds. Together they are responsible for the determination of the vacation rights (number of vacation days) of manual workers, apprentice workers and non-independent artists.

They are also the payment institutions for the vacation allowance for these workers.

National Social Security Office (in French)

National Social Security Office (in French)

The NSSO collects and manages employer and employee social contributions used to finance the various branches of social security.

It collects and distributes the basic administrative data for other social security institutions.

Crossroads Bank for Social Security (in French)

Crossroads Bank for Social Security (in French)

The Crossroads Bank for Social Security manages the exchange of data between the social security institutions, between these institutions and organisations outside of social security and between the institutions on the one hand and the citizens and employers on the other hand.
The Crossroads Bank promotes the use of new technologies to continually improve these processes.

Sociale Individuele Gegevens Données Individuelles Sociales (in French)

Sociale Individuele Gegevens Données Individuelles Sociales (in French)

Sigedis is a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to store the social data on each individual in Belgium in databases.

Sigedis makes these data available to the social security institutions. It is used, among other things, to calculate pension rights or the right to unemployment with company allowance.

Collège Intermutualiste National (in French)

Collège Intermutualiste National (in French)

Le Collège Intermutualiste National belge est une association de mutualités composée des représentants des 5 Unions Nationales de mutualités ainsi que de la Caisse Auxiliaire d'Assurance Maladie-Invalidité et de la Caisse des Soins de Santé de la SNCB.

Ensemble le CIN représente toute la population belge assurée sociale soit plus de 10 millions de personnes.

Le CIN a comme mission :

  • d'organiser la concertation entre les différentes mutualités sur tous les problèmes présentant un intérêt pour l'assurance maladie-invalidité obligatoire et complémentaire et sur le secteur mutualiste en général;
  • de prendre position en rapport avec ces problèmes en tenant compte des intérêts de l'ensemble des assurés sociaux;
  • de susciter des actions communes ou des coopérations organiques dans la gestion des organismes assureurs.

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